Tomato Plant Reservation Form
Please fill out the form below to reserve your heirloom tomato plants. Payment is not required until you pick up your plants in May. You can cancel at any time.
The plants will be available for local pick up in Lafayette on Saturday May 17th. If that weekend does not work for you, we will be happy to coordinate an alternate time for you to pick up your plants. Shipping is not available for tomato plants.
An old-time favorite that has been popular for many years due to it’s excellent productivity and wonderful taste. 4 to 5-inch bright-red tomatoes that have delicious, sweet flavors. This tomato’s excellent taste and meaty flesh make it an ideal tomato for eating fresh or cooking, for slicing into sandwiches, using in salads or for canning!
Big Rainbow
These spectacular tomatoes are large 1-2 lb. rib-shouldered bi-colored beefsteak tomatoes with gold flesh with beautiful red streaks running throughout. As fruits ripen they have a rainbow appearance: greens on the shoulder, yellow, orange, gold in the middle, and red on the blossom end. Very juicy and fruity sweet.
Black Cherry
One of Matt’s favorite cherry tomato! A must have. The 1” fruits are irresistibly delicious with sweet, rich, complex, full tomato flavors that burst in your mouth, characteristic of the best flavorful black tomatoes. Beautiful to mix with other colored cherry tomatoes. A must have tomato in any garden. You will love these cherry tomatoes!
Black Krim
A high yielding heirloom with unique looking, large fruit. Dark red-purple fruit, rich sweet flavor. One of the best. It always places high in tomato taste trials. It’s very juicy. Combines bold, smoky flavor and good texture with an unusual appearance.
One of the most popular heirlooms with complex rich flavors. The large fruits, often over 1 lb., have a deep pink skin and smooth, red flesh. An outstanding tomato for your garden; it also sets fruit very well during high temperatures and bears all season. Highly recommend.
Cherokee Purple
Heirloom from Tennessee cultivated by Native American Cherokee tribe. Very productive plants producing loads of dusky rose to purple colored beefsteak tomatoes with deep red colors to the interior flesh and dark shoulders. A very popular variety because of it’s rich, complex and sweet flavors. One of the best tasting heirloom tomatoes.
Japanese Black Trifle
A medium sized, juicy 3 to 4″ inch long 6 -8 ounce pear-shaped, deep purple-black tomato with pretty green shoulders. Growing on a short potato-leafed plant, it’s the size and shape of a Bartlett pear and among the darkest hued and finest flavored of the black tomatoes.
Jasper Cherry
An AAS(All-American Selection) winner! Excellent taste, a long harvest window and outstanding performance in the trials contributes to this tomato’s success. These round fruits are crack resistant, borne on small trusses, and store on the plant well, resisting cracking and rot. The texture is pleasantly chewy, and the flavor is sweet and rich.
Matt’s Wild Cherry
An outstanding cherry tomato. You will not believe how flavorful these ½” cherry tomatoes are. Genetically linked to wild Mexican tomatoes from the state of Hidago. Fruits have a very sweet, delicious taste. Like snacking on candy. Great for sprinkling these “jewels” into a salad.
Paul Robeson
Matt’s favorite tomato! It is a gorgeous, dark and dusky-hued fruit with intensely sweet earthy taste with a hint of tanginess, a luscious velvety smooth texture, beautiful skin, rich with juice and high production. This beefsteak tomato is slightly flattened, round, and grows to 4-inches. It’s deep, rich colors stand it apart from others.
Pink Berkley Tie Dye
Compact plants produce beautiful 8-12 ounce fruit with a very sweet, rich, dark tomato flavor. Fruits are dark pink with green striping, and the flesh is pink with yellow streaks. The flavor is outstanding, sweet and complex like the finest heirlooms.
San Marzano
Large indeterminate vines produce elongated fruit. The fruit grow to about 4″ long and 2″ in diameter and are borne in clusters. Holds well on vine or in storage, crack resistant, excellent for paste, puree, or canning. Processor favorite due to high solids; the standard Italian pear tomato, aka the Italian Canner.
Speckled Roman
A gorgeous elongated plum tomato with bright red skin with jagged orange and yellow stripes. Meaty red flesh with few seeds, is good for fresh eating, and cooks quickly into sauce. Excellent flavor. Great tomato taste, ideal for processing and fresh eating. Very productive.
Sungold Orange
Lisa’s favorite! Sungold’s rich-tasting, juicy cherries are borne on long trusses for seasons long harvests of exceptional quality, superb orange color and the sweetest tomato flavor. Harvest them in baskets to show off on the kitchen counter for “bet you can’t just eat one” snacks of eye-catching beauty.